It’s not just men who suffer from lack of sexual intimacy.
While there may be a tendency for people to think that it is men who seek affairs outside their marriage, many may be surprised to know that women also look for relationships on the side.
This misconception about men being the prime movers in this regard has prompted me to speak out about my own situation in the hope that women who are feeling deprived may feel encouraged to seek a solution to the problem.
Too stressed for sex
Like so many women, my husband’s stressful workload often made him too tired to be interested in making love to me. My husband is completely focused on his work and career, so by the time he comes home tired and spent, all he wants is his dinner, watch football to relax and head off to bed. He has no time or the energy for sex.
Under these circumstances it’s easy for women to feel their partner is taking them for granted or they have just lost interest in keeping sexual intimacy interesting and exciting.
Thanks to dating services like Married Affairs Sydney that cater for married or attached people, I am having an affair without my spouse’s knowledge and more importantly, without disrupting normal home life. Through the professional attentive and caring service offered by this dating company, I have been introduced to a few men who have been just wonderful for me.
An easy process
I made an obligation free appointment with their manager, Susan, and was pleasantly surprised with her professional approach and understanding of my needs. Their office is in Kent Street, Sydney CBD near Wynyard station, which I found very convenient. Their consultants are also available to see people by appointment at the weekend.
I was happy to discover that after a personal interview it didn’t take long to have some introductions arranged for me. The next step was a simple meeting with a great guy over coffee, at which time we are able to chat about each other’s relationships and our mutual expectations.
Through all of this, the discussion was kept very private and confidential and both of us benefited from the meeting being organised when it was mutually convenient. The biggest bonus has been the fact that there is no damage done at home. This wonderful arrangement has kept the spark in my marriage and the interests of myself and my husband have been kept intact.
So now, I can have a casual date from time to time with someone whose company I enjoy. When my husband gets the promotion he is after and secures the business venture he is chasing, there is a good chance he will turn his attention back to me and all may be fine. In the meantime my sexual desires have been satisfied.
Know who you are meeting
Sure, I could have gone onto an online dating site, however the chances are I could have met someone who turned out to be a creep and whose background would not have been guaranteed or checked. Worse still, I could have met someone who just wants my money or put me onto some silly sales scheme or posted photos online.
By using Married Affairs Sydney, the process acts as a filter and protection against people whose background and reputation cannot be checked. I feel completely comfortable that Married Affairs Sydney really looks after the interests of their women clients by thoroughly checking that the men are genuine, safe and respectful.
They have many clients of both sexes from different and varied backgrounds who may be introduced to you. It was refreshing to discover that these people all experienced a similar situation to myself. I feel happy and secure with Susan acting on my behalf and not having to waste time and effort money and risk involved in trying to meet someone in clubs, pubs or bars for a casual connection.