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I used to wonder why so many of my friends found difficulty in their marriages as a result of feeling unappreciated and undervalued. They all felt their duty had been fulfilled in providing for their family, children’s education, paying the mortgage and more.

But what were they receiving in return? Many of them expressed disappointment that their wives and partners ‘took them for granted’ and no longer expressed the joyous sharing of sexual intimacy that had cemented their bonds, despite their best efforts.

They said they had been good listeners, shared their partners’ hopes and expectations, but no longer felt the object of affection. I didn’t really understand this until the same thing happened to me.

Can it happen to you?

It was as if I was living with a different person. Sexual advances were becoming rejected more often, and not for want of my trying! I had always considered I had a sound marriage; kids were happy and there was no apparent reason why the sex life was becoming a non-event.

While a loving, sexual relationship was obviously becoming less important for my wife, my needs continue unabated and the deprivation was starting to have a negative effect. I noticed I smiled less; was becoming less tolerant of the children’s behaviour and not deriving the same sense of achievement in my job. In short, I felt I was diminished as a man, and I didn’t like the feeling.

I wasn’t alone

I started to wonder if women experienced a similar situation. Were there women out there who were also going through what I was feeling? The thought continued, and after speaking with friends, I discovered that the daily grind of life had taken its toll on many people who appeared to be in sound relationships.

In many cases, partners had become distracted with other activities; work, sport, other interests or just couldn’t be bothered to make the effort needed to nurture their relationships. They had virtually lost the will to try. I knew I had to do something.

Discreet and professional

After several disappointing experiences trying to find a “playmate” online and approaching some other agencies, I was fortunate enough to discover Married Affairs Sydney.

My first impression was these professional people appeared to be highly experienced in finding partners for men and women who were experiencing the same lack of attention at home that was the cause of my unhappy state.

What gave me confidence and assurance in dealing with this company was their mature approach to my situation and the fact they operated from a well-appointed office in the city.

Susan and her team took the time to understand that I was looking for a no-strings-attached long-term discreet relationship. Furthermore, they understood my time constraints and the hours of the day that were available for me to meet someone.

A wonderful woman

It didn’t take long for the first of the introductions to be arranged for me, which were held over a friendly coffee near the company’s Kent Street Sydney office.

I couldn’t believe how much at ease I felt from this meeting and the same proved to be true with other attractive women I met soon after.

While a married affair may not be everyone’s solution to happiness, it has certainly boosted my self-image, better performance at work through the confidence the relationship has generated, and I am now a much happier person. The bonus is, I have gained all this without interfering or jeopardising my family relationships.

So the lesson here is; make sure you find a suitable agency that has the experience, dedication, commitment and discretion like Married Affairs Sydney who will truly look after your interests and wellbeing.

Taking this important step towards your happiness may well be the best move of your life!