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Quarantine, lock downs, curfews. How is the Australian adult population going to get the emotional connection they need? How are people getting the love, romance and their burning desires satisfied?

Look at Victoria right now, which is having major lock down issues. The population is starting to revolt. The Federal government is applying more pressure on the Victorian administration to open their State’s borders and let people be freer again. The economy needs to be re-started and get moving again. No wonder so many people are feeling so down, depressed and anxious!

At the moment there are few jobs, no dating due to curfews, travel bans, restricted number of guests at any function being organised and pubs and restaurants closed.

Everyone is becoming stuck at home, with severe restrictions on where and when you are permitted to travel and visit. More seriously, we seeing domestic partners being driven up the wall along, along with having to manage their kids’ schooling issues and running wild in the house. Mental illness is now the major health issue for many households.

A lot more people are making connections through on line dating apps. However, these sites are more often than not letting people down, as most of the connections that are made are fraudulent and the people at the end of the dating line aren’t real or are not who they pretend to be.

This is why Married Affairs Sydney has had such a large increase in membership this year as those that have been hurt with on line dating come to us for real, genuine people with the same desires and wanting to meet discreetly.

Many women and men of all ages want to feel real passion again with a like-minded person in similar circumstances. The dates can be casual, longer term or permanent. Dates are organised for all ages, nationalities and professions.

Yes —  lawyers, politicians and high-profile celebrities are members with us .They know we are very discreet and private and all the connections have been vetted and screened to be genuine, reliable and sincere about their desires.

Once a new connection has been made and a successful date completed it has such a calming effect., reducing stress and letting you see clearly to help you get things back into perspective.

There is no longer an reason to delay your happiness and achieve a better state of mind . Call our Sydney CBD office manager Susan on 02 9251 4948 or 0423 242 773 for an obligation free appointment.

After all, there is truth in the saying “Life is too short to drink bad wine.”