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Can Discreet Married Affairs & Extra Marital Dating Spice Up Your Marriage?

Secret married affairs are not something widely talked about. Extra-marital affairs are different for everyone. However, each story usually has a common theme. Discreet affairs provided the missing piece to their marriages. For some, affairs were one-offs while for others, they are ongoing. For some couples, the other partner knows about the affair. What an affair looks like for you is completely up to you.

Extra-Marital Dating – To be Seen & Touched. To Feel Beautiful Again.

For both men and women, the wish to be appreciated and wanted is not uncommon(*1). Even the happiest of marriages have lull points where one or the other (or both) feels forgotten.

Her Secret Affair Story:

For one woman, all she needed was an affair to reinvigorate herself and regain her confidence. After a date with her match, she felt completely refreshed. All her doubts and fears were overcome by a total stranger. She returned to her husband with a renewed spark and never looked back. For these two people, clear boundaries about wants and needs ensured a mutually enjoyable experience. He was also looking for the same things – to feel wanted and sexy again, and to let off some steam. This story rings true for a lot of couples around the world.

Not So Secret – Discreet Married Affairs: Keeping Things Fresh and Open

Passionate Marital Dating Affairs and a discreet secret affair story can Spice Up Your Marriage?

After years of marriage, daily routines become monotonous and passion withers. Modern marriages are far more open and different to those our parents and grandparents had(*2). However, discretion is still important. Keeping your personal life away from family, work and your social life is possible.

The Impact of Lockdown on Relationships – Moving Forward

Covid 19 lockdown has caused many issues for people in Australia, including mental health, loneliness, and depression(*3). It has forced people to lockdown at home with partners, family, or friends they may not get on with.

Restrictions are finally easing. Why not set up new connections with dates that you can be free and more open with? Let your sexuality rise again.

What Are Married Affairs?

Discreet secret affair story can Spice Up Your Marriage? Passionate Marital Dating Affairs Vaucluse

An affair is simply going on a date that no one knows about in private and away from your normal day to day life. We are very private and discreet and are NOT online.

Don’t be a forgotten personality or lover. Act now. Our ladies and gents are of all ages and nationalities.

Your new dating life starts with a personalised interview with our company founder, Susan. She has been in the industry for 20 years and is dedicated to getting clients the best results.

Appointments are made with all our members to ensure your match is perfectly suited to you. And we also ensure they all look like their photos.

Fulfil Your Desires

Call Susan in our Sydney CBD office near Wynyard station on (02) 92514948 or mobile 0423 242 773.

Pop in over lunch or at your break time to review your needs and desires. We will search through our wide database and ensure each need and desire is fulfilled – without disturbing anything at home or work.


Extra Marital Dating Affairs and a discreet secret affair story can Spice Up Your Marriage? Secret Affair Story Eastern Suburbs.



*1. Hill, A. Why Adultery Can Help Save a Marriage. The Guardian. 2008.
*2. Taormino, T. Opening Up: A Guide To Creating and Sustaining Open Relationships. Cleis Press. 2008.
*3. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Mental Health Services in Australia. Australian Government. 2022.