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Anyone looking for discreet affairs in Sydney need to take notice of an article in that appeared The Sydney Daily Telegraph on the 4thof October 2022. The interesting article takes a close look at the pitfalls of dating apps and the online dating environment in general.

The editorial references numerous instances of people who have been harassed and stalked or photographed illegally. The survey included 10,00 people in Australia, a third from New South Wales,  of all age groups that reported such experiences.

Embarking on a quest for a partner online, instead, many became victims of crimes ranging from drinks being spiked to sexual abuse. In fact, a report by the Australian Institute of Criminology discovered that a high percentage of users or dating apps users were the subject of online sexual violence.

While sexual harassment was the most commonly reported problem, there was also threatening language and filming that was non-consensual and stalking.

Additionally, the AIC report  highlighted that increased use of mobile dating apps has coincided with more concerns sexual harassment, violence and aggression.

While the result of this data is troubling, people should learn from what is happening out there in the dating world. The best defence is to be careful and do whatever is needed to protect yourself, your identity and data.

There have been some successes to be sure, however the lurking dangers are always there, particularly for vulnerable individuals for have experienced disappointment in finding someone suitable for a satisfactory and fulfilling discreet affair.

Online, it is very easy for predators to disguise their identity and appear to be genuine. The ruses used to trap the unwary are becoming ever more sophisticated.

There are better alternatives

The best approach is to use the services of a genuine agency that has identity checked real people on its books who are validated and want the same outcomes as you. The cost involved pales into insignificance when you consider the peace of mind, savings of effort and knowing you are going to meet someone who meets your expectations.

No one can deny that due to many factors, there are a lot of people out there, men and women of all ages, representing virtually all ethnic groups and differing socio-economic circumstances, who are actively looking for discreet affairs.

In most cases, relationships have gone stale or partners have given up on their efforts to remain attractive to partners or spouses, or people have just been driven apart by family pressures.

Married Affairs Sydney is a genuine and experienced organisation that has helped hundreds of people who have felt ignored, underappreciated or abandoned in intimacy. They are not online but offer a personal face to face service that matches like-minded people who are looking for discreet affairs to fill a void in their lives.

By calling the Sydney CBD office on 0292514948, or mobile 0423242773, you can make that first step.